Malta – Massacre on Migration
I first visited Malta in 2013. I was so shocked by the blatant illegalities I witnessed during the hunting season that I made this film for the BBC. I was invited to go back the following year with Chris Packham. We made a series of films for You Tube. I jointly shot all six films and wrote and edited the first four. We won a Green Ribbon Award for our efforts.
The Human Figure in Motion
The ICCI team at Plymouth University invited filmmakers to submit a proposal for a 360 film to be shown at the Weymouth Olympic site on the theme of ‘In Motion’. I put in an experimental proposal that would attempt to symbolise a journey through the history of photographic and motion picture technology. From the groundbreaking work of British photographer Eadweard Muybridge, who captured fast moving subjects and then re-animated them in a zoetrope, to modern day slow motion, high definition video. At this point I wasn’t entirely sure how or if I could acheive it but they liked the idea and asked me to make the film. This is a single screen version of the film. It doesn’t really compare to the immersive experience of being inside the dome it was made for but try and imagine it on 5 giant screens with 5.1 surround sound.
Come back soon
This website is currently under construction. Some links may not work and the content is minimal at the moment. It will be great as soon as I have time to do it. There’ll be a photo and video library, short films, loads of stuff.